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How to Redeem your NordVPN Product Code

Getting started – Activation key

Before you can install NordVPN on your devices and start surfing securely and privately you will need the activation key, which we would have sent to you via SMS after your successful purchase.

How to Retrieve your activation key

For any licensed software subscription, your activation key should always be sent to you via SMS after your purchase.
You can also easily find your license key by opening the Mweb App on your phone, or logging in to your online MWEB Account and navigating to the My Products screen.

Follow the guide here for step-by-step instructions.

Now that you have your activation key, click on and follow the steps below to create your NordVPN account and download the NordVPN software for the device you wish to use it on.

NordVPN Activation Screen

Step 1 of 5

Enter Activation Code and Email Address

Fill in the activation code you received and the email address you wish to use for NordVPN sign-in.

Please type the email address very carefully as it will immediately be linked to your activation code and a verification code will be sent to the address for the next step.

If you make a mistake here you will need to contact the Nord customer support team for assistance.

Retrieve the verification code

Go to the mailbox you chose and search for the verification code in your inbox. Note that the codes are only valid for 60 minutes – if for some reason you do not complete the activation within that time you will need to start again with a new code.

Enter Verification Code

Copy the code from your email and paste it on the Nord activation screen

Create a password

If you are a new NordVPN user, create a password for your Nord Account. Otherwise, type in your old password to log in.

Download the App

Download the ‘NordVPN’ app and begin utilizing the product. Download the NordVPN app application.
Once you’ve used your activation code, all that’s left is to download NordVPN and set it up.
We recommend reading the handy blog article on how to activate NordVPN on your device.
If you experience any error when entering your activation code, please check this article.

Common Issues and how to resolve them

Wrong Email Address

Before you apply the activation code, please double-check the email address you provided. The activation code will be applied to the email address you specify immediately, even if it is incorrect. If you mistakenly enter an email address that is not tied to your Nord Account, please contact our customer support team for assistance.

Ambiguous Symbols

It is easy to confuse the letter “O” (capital “o”) for “0” (zero) and the letter “I” (capital “i”) for “l” (lowercase “L”). Try replacing these ambiguous symbols with their lookalikes if you’ve entered the rest of the code correctly. This issue only affects older NordVPN activation codes, because we have stopped using ambiguous symbols to avoid confusion.

Code Already Activated
Any given activation code can only be used once. If you’ve applied that activation code to extend your subscription at some point in the past, any further attempts will end in error. You can check the status of your subscription by logging in to your Nord Account. If you can’t remember your Nord Account credentials, use our handy password recovery tool.

Activating Multiple Codes
Each NordVPN activation code must be applied separately. If you have multiple activation codes, simply repeat the activation process for each one.

Useful NordVPN support links

For Technical Support beyond the downloading and activation of the NordVPN subscription please make use of NordVPNs, website, blog and other technical resources.

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Эта страница отображается в тех случаях, когда автоматическими системами Google регистрируются исходящие из вашей сети запросы, которые нарушают Условия использования. Страница перестанет отображаться после того, как эти запросы прекратятся. До этого момента для использования служб Google необходимо проходить проверку по слову.

Источником запросов может служить вредоносное ПО, подключаемые модули браузера или скрипт, настроенный на автоматических рассылку запросов. Если вы используете общий доступ в Интернет, проблема может быть с компьютером с таким же IP-адресом, как у вас. Обратитесь к своему системному администратору. Подробнее.

Проверка по слову может также появляться, если вы вводите сложные запросы, обычно распространяемые автоматизированными системами, или же вводите запросы очень часто.

How to use a NordVPN activation code?

How to use a NordVPN activation code?

There are two types of codes that you can apply in order to begin using NordVPN. One is called an ‘activation key‘ and you can purchase it from either a physical or online retailer. It is comprised out of 17 digits and letters and can be applied here:

Alternatively, you may have the second kind of code, simply called ‘Licence code‘. It is 6 digits long and must be used here:

The instructions for applying both types of codes are identical:

  1. Enter your activation code in the first field:
  2. Choose your account credentials and click Create Account:

Additionally, in case you are using multiple NordVPN activation keys on a single account simply enter the same e-mail address and password.

A useful reminder: Using a cracked version of NordVPN may lead to the loss of sensitive information, such as personal credentials. There is software online that promises one free access to ‘cracked’ NordVPN accounts. However, such software is most often chock-full of malware, adware intended to gain access to your credentials, devices, etc. Read more about the dangers of cracking programs here:

As generating and remembering strong and secure passwords is not an easy task, we recommend downloading a free password manager, like NordPass. It generates secure passwords for you and stores them safely, letting you avoid time-wasting password resets in the future.

NordPass offers native apps for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS, so you can reach your passwords whenever and wherever you need them, even offline.