Unofficial Netflix catalog helps you find a movie not available in your area
The Unofficial Netflix Online Global Search (or uNoGS) is an online searchable database of the videos available in the 244 regions where Netflix is currently available. Updated daily, users can search the catalog based on everything from Netflix and IMDb rating, to genre and the availability of subtitles. The website goes as far as to suggest a VPN provider in countries where the video is not available.
Netflix vpn search
Welcome to FlixWatch, the Unofficial Netflix Search Engine with database of 30 countries to find content easily. Search for Movies, TV Shows, Lists, Catalogues, Country, New on Netflix, Cast and Crew.
Movies and TV Shows
Type Movie and TV Show names like Batman, Breaking Bad, etc.
Top rated content for each country based on Aggregated, IMDb and Critic ratings. Type genre names like Horror, Action, Comedy, etc and/or country names like Canada, UK, USA, UAE, etc.
Country, Catalogues and New on Netflix
Country page the catalogue and lists.Catalogues have the titles available in your country with Search, multiple Filter and Sort options. New on Netflix has the recent additions to the country database. Type Country names like Canada, UK, USA, UAE, etc.
Cast and Crew
Type names like Will Smith, Cameron, Jet Li, etc.
Unofficial Netflix catalog helps you find a movie not available in your area
While Netflix goes on the offensive against customers who use VPNs to stream videos not available within their own country, a new website is taking some of the guesswork out of regional hopping.
The Unofficial Netflix Online Global Search (or uNoGS) is an online searchable database of the videos available in the 244 regions where Netflix is currently available. Updated daily, users can search the catalog based on everything from Netflix and IMDb rating, to genre and the availability of subtitles. The website goes as far as to suggest a VPN provider in countries where the video is not available.
Vacationing in Antarctica? You’ll have access to more movies than South Korea
Netflix does not release their full catalog offerings — the company closed its public API several years ago — and so far it’s unclear if this unofficial catalog violates any of the company’s terms of service. But a searchable database is likely something that Netflix would fight to take down as it faces pressure from copyright owners to take action against the users who are gaming the regional licensing agreements.
Even if you’re not looking at global streaming options, the catalog does give an interesting look at which countries have access to the most videos — and the top five are probably not what you’d expect. Behind the United States, the Caribbean island of Martinique has access to the most videos, followed by the French territory of Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Aruba, and the Caribbean Netherlands. Vacationing in Antarctica? You’ll have access to a hundred more movies and shows than South Korea or Israel.
For the full list of movies and shows available, check out uNoGS or use the table below to see how countries stack up.